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Table of Contents

Table of Contents

As Exam Proctors, the workflow to start a session, onboard Test Takers, and perform all tasks necessary to secure your online remote assessments is easy with SUMADI Live Portal.

Using the SUMADI Live Portal, Exam Proctors have a dedicated single page view of the supervision room and all of the assigned Test Takers. Let’s begin describing the interface and controls available.

Supervision Room View User Interface

Being in the “cockpit” of your Supervision Room will ease the process to receive Test Takers and control the invigilation during the exam.

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The following controls and components allow a seamless supervision experience:

  1. Back button: Allows the Exam Proctor to navigate back to the SUMADI Live Portal start page.

  2. Main panel: This panel displays the available actions. When a Test Taker is selected, the main panel populates and enables all of the controls and information regarding the registration, login, and call controls available. The initial state is empty.

  3. Unlock/Lock Session: mark session as UNLOCKED (available) or LOCKED (unavailable) to assign Test Takers to you as Exam Proctor. Allows to control the open seats when an Exam Proctor is closing their shift.

  4. Mute All: When all audios are enabled for Test Takers, allow to mute them for ease of listening from for the Exam Proctor.

  5. Settings: Change the device configuration for microphone and webcam for the Exam Proctor’s computer.

  6. End Session: closes the session for the Exam Proctor. IMPORTANT: the session must be marked as LOCK so no new Test Takers get assigned to the Exam Proctor exiting. Sumadi does include every UNLOCKED (available) Exam Proctors when automatically assigning Test Takers.

  7. Side Panel: Displays the assigned Test Takers based on the ratio as a measure of participants. Also hosts the Test Taker panel which displays each Test Taker’s webcam. The Exam Proctor may switch any Test Taker by clicking their panel.

  8. Chat: floating bubble that allow the test taker to enter into chat with any of the available Test Takers. Instant messaging is available as the only option.

Onboarding Students

When the first Test Takers are assigned into the Exam Proctor’s Supervision Room, they are displayed on the Side Panel. Onboarding is only available when Test Takers have PENDING ONBOARDING status.

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When the Test Taker is marked as PENDING ONBOARDING, the Onboarding controls are available.

  1. Webcam View: Displays the webcam video feed and audio for the Test Taker being onboarded.

    1. Audio control: allows to mute the audio coming from the Test Taker’s webcam.

  2. Screen View: Displays the screen share from the Test Takers computer while taking their online remote exam.

  3. Call controls: Allows to perform call actions and events for the onboarding approval process.

    1. Reject: Cancel the exam since the Test Taker doesn’t comply with the expected requirements and code of behavior.

    2. Approve: Allow the Test Taker to continue. Countdown towards the Sumadi Navigation screen begins.

    3. Chat: Brings up the test Takers chat conversation.

    4. Camera: allows the Exam Proctor to enable or disable their own device’s webcam. This option is only available during the onboarding process.

    5. Mic: allows tu mute and unmute the Exam Proctor’s microphone when speaking with the Test Taker in the Main Panel.

  4. Face Profile Tabs: Allows the Exam Proctor to review the evidence gathered for the registration of the user.

    1. Face Registration: evaluate the face photos provided at the time of registration.

    2. Face Login: Verify the face photo evaluated at login, prior to joining the onboarding session.

    3. ID Scan (optional): verify the identify photo uploaded by the Test Taker. The Exam Proctor is encouraged to ask for the Test Taker’s Identification document at the time of the onboarding video call.

Instant Messaging Communication

Supervision Rooms enable instant messaging between the Exam Proctor and every Test Taker. Better known as chat, this feature adds privacy and confidentiality to each Test Takers case, compared to using tools like Microsoft Teams or Zoom, these are not confidential by default.

SUMADI Live Chat Interface

  1. Back button: navigate to the full list of chats open during the Supervision Room session.

  2. Test Taker Username: displays the Test Taker’s username.

  3. Close Floating Chat Window

  4. Chat Body: Displays the conversation with the message timestamp.

    1. Blue boxes display the Test Taker messages.

    2. White boxes display the Exam Proctor messages.

    3. Currently only supports plain text messages.

  5. Input Text Area: input control where Exam Proctor types their messages. By default, ENTER key sends the message.

  6. Close Floating Chat Window Bottom

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Monitoring and Interventions

When performing active live monitoring on Test Takers, SUMADI Live Portal makes it easy to switch between available participants, send messages via chat or voice, and properly take action with when flags are marked.

When selecting a Test Taker from the Side Panel that has been approved and is enabled to start their exam, these are the controls available to the Exam Proctor to manage monitoring and performing interventions.

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  1. Flag Count: for each Test Taker who’s been approved, they begin being monitored. Flag count displays the total amount of alerts and warnings during the session.

  2. Monitoring Controls: Now that a user is being actively monitored, SUMADI Live Portal enables additional controls to monitor and intervene when necessary.

    1. Go To Report: open a new window with the in detail report of all the evidence captured for the Test Taker in active monitoring that has been analyzed in real-time (e.g., Face Verification, Object Detection, etc.)

    2. Submit Exam: When a Test Taker has finalized, they need to notify the Exam Proctor so that they mark the exam as Submitted. This closes the session for the Test Taker, securing the exam, while also allowing the Exam Proctor to release a seat on their Supervision Room.

    3. Terminate: an Exam Proctor is encouraged to actively notify and alert the Test Taker when unwanted or unauthorized behavior occurs. As a last resort, SUMADI Live Portal provides an event that would TERMINATE the exam for the Test Taker and mark them as High Alert or Disqualification.

    4. Pause: if allowed, Test Takers may request a break, bio break or interruption during their exam. To allow this the Exam Proctor must place the exam on PAUSE. This locks the browser and disables any action or changes to be made. Once the Test Taker is available, Exam Proctor UNPAUSES and releases the web browser for the completion of the exam.

    5. Take Control: when necessary, take control of the user’s mouse pointer to enter the exam URL, paste credentials, or provide support. Control can be released once finished.

    6. Chat: request the specific Test Taker’s chat conversation.

    7. Mic: mute or unmute the Exam Proctors microphone to communicate with the Test Taker part of the Active Monitoring main panel.

  3. Alert Log Summary: the SUMADI Live AI detects and categorizes the amount of violations or unwanted behaviors during the exam. These are summarized and shown here. For more detail, the Exam Proctors may Go To Report and review the evidence in detail.


When TERMINATING an exam, the Exam Proctor will be prompted to place a reason. This reason will be shown to the Test Taker as the factor for disqualification.


When SUBMITTING or TERMINATING the Test Taker’s exams, these actions can’t be undone. Test Takers exams for the session will be closed. Exam Proctors may change the threat level if the user behaved within the parameters established after the fact, but if necessary, the user would need to be scheduled for a new exam.

Remote Control a Test Takers Screen

Exam Proctors are capable of using basic remote controls of a Test Taker’s screen. As the test taker is approved after their onboarding, the SUMADI Live app provides a simple navigation interface to input any working URL and allow the Exam Proctor to operate and browse to the desired web based exam, and perform the secure inputs as required.

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When remote control has been activated:

  1. The Screen View border turns green, indicating the proctor may move the cursor and left click as necessary on top of the Test Takers screen.

  2. Paste commands are available using the Exam Proctor’s keyboard, allowing to select the URL, username, and password as required and allowing the most secure human guided flow and steps.

    1. For Windows, Exam Proctor can use Control + V keyboard combination for pasting text.

    2. For Mac, Exam Proctor can use the Command + V keyboard combination for pasting text.

  3. When control is no longer necessary, Exam Proctor may Release Control clicking on the button with the same label.

  4. Screen view returns to normal (no border highlighting).


Only plain text is currently supported on the PASTE Command feature.


When pasting URLs, the SUMADI Live app on the Test Taker’s computer, is required to be a complete link. This means it must include the http:// or https:// prefixes.


If the URL is broken or the domain is not available, a known issue is a blank screen.

When the blank screen appears, just navigate using the menu at the top to go to Home (File > Home) option.