SUMADI Live Portal is a web based portal, accessible through any browser, which allows Exam Proctors to login, enter a supervision session, and initiate the onboarding and invigilation of multiple Test Takers, depending on the established ratio.
A ratio tells us how many Test Takers are in relation to any Exam Proctor at a given time. For example, an Exam Proctor can actively monitor and intervene with three (3) students at a time, which would place the ratio 3:1, or three to one.
First login
As first time SUMADI Live Portal user, your institution must request registration for your account. Once your user is generated, a temporary password will be sent via email with the link to login.
Upon first launch, SUMADI Live Portal, each Exam Proctor must enter their credentials and change their passwords to the desired combination.
When clicking on the Login to Live Proctoring button, you will be redirected to the SUMADI Live Portal. Here you’ll enter both credentials provided in the email.
After login with the temporary password, the portal will request a new user generated and familiar combination. The password has certain requirements, please take a moment to familiarize with the password.
Password Requirements
Passwords must comply a minimum length of eight (8) characters, include 1 or more of the following: Numbers, Special characters (supported: ^ $ * . [ ] { } ( ) ? " ! @ # % & / \ , > < ' : ; | _ ~ ` = + -), uppercase and/or lowercase characters.
Your institution may opt in to request for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for enhanced security. If desired, the institution may request MFA; the recommended options for use are Microsoft Authenticator or Google Authenticator. This is an optional setting.
Learn more about Multi-Factor Authentication