

Integration Parameters

The following are the required parameters to consume the SUMADI RESTful API to use the SUMADI Secure Browser (S2B) as a candidate and review any incidents as a proctor from the web.

When finalizing the API authentication, redirect towards the login portal for candidates will occur or to the proctor web portal (depending on the role).

Parameter Name

Default Value





Auth key, SUMADI will provide this to you

Integration params



Unique customer identifier. SUMADI will provide this value



Unique identifier for the students



User First name



User Last Name



Role that the user will assume in SUMADI. Use STUDENT, INSTRUCTOR, LMS ADMIN, SUPERVISOR *



Unique identifier for a course



Course Name



Unique identifier for an assessment



Assessment Name



Language to be used on the Sumadi Login portal ***



Platform name that will use Sumadi



URL to which the Sumadi portal will redirect when the student finish login portal.

* Currently only STUDENT role is supported.

** Courses are the top of our hierarchy. An institution creates “courses”, which have

“assessments”, those exams are taken by students who generate “attempt”. If the organization Hierarchy doesn’t include an entity like “Course”, you can create the assessments and courses with the same ids and names if they are unique values.

*** Use the ISO 639-1 language code.

Request Example


This request will open the Sumadi Login Portal, we recommend open it in the same browser tab (using _self)

Initialize Proctoring Services

Send the post messages described in this document in the candidate (student) workflow that you

want the supervision to be initialized and finalized, for example when the student begins the

exam in the testing platform or LMS, and you must send a post message after the students

submits the exam.

For further details on how post messages work please refer to this article:

Window: postMessage() method - Web APIs | MDN

Post message to initialize proctoring elements in Sumadi

You will need to add in your testing platform code a post message with the action

“proctorStar”, include this post message where you identify that an exam starts in your




To verify the post message worked fine, you will need to access to your testing platform as

student through the Sumadi desktop app, you will notice a video feedback box that says You

are being supervised

Response back

Each postMessage has a response event with which you can confirm if everything was done

correctly. Response actions include the following payload:




Post message to finalize proctoring elements in SUMADI

When this post message is triggered displays a notification window to the student indicating

the proctorization has finished.




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